Monday, March 21, 2011

The Situation of Afghan Women

As you know, Afghan’ women don’t have the same rights as we have in canada. In the last years, girls have been forbidden to go to school and women to have a job. So, a lot of girls didn’t know how to read and write. Canadians are now in Afghanistan to help the women’s situation by improving their status through this war by giving them the right to have a good education and more. Our soldiers have been in this country for approximately ten years. Since the first year, they’ve tried their best to help the women and girls. With all their efforts, they reached their goal by improving their access to services and opportunities such as having a job and being able to go to school which was unthinkable 10 years ago. A lot of the women will be teachers because they are needed a lot to teach the girls.  Also, to complete the fact that women’s situation isn’t good, 60% to 80% of Afghans’ marriages are forced and the wife is only a child. They really need help from all the people they can find because they are not at all respected. Canadians are there, and will help them as long as Afghans will need them.

MORGAN, Clara.  ̋Afghanistan: the statues of women ˝, Library of Parliament. [Online].  [] (March 20th, 2011)

GOUVERNMENT OF CANADA.  ̋ Canada’s support to Afghan women and girls ˝, Canada’s Engagement in Afghanistan. [Online]. [] (March 20th, 2011)

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