Monday, March 21, 2011


Dear followers, we’re a group of four girls who would like to inform you about Afghanistan’s situation. Of course, the main topic of our blog will be the Canadians’ involvement in this country in need. We are for the involvement of our soldiers there because we think that their work in this devastated country is a necessity and we are proud of them and what they’re doing there. We’re doing this blog because we want you guys to know a little more about Afghans’ situation and what’s going on there. This project started by the reading of ̋A Thousand Splendid Suns ˝ which is written by Khaled Hosseini. This book made us realised how bad is the situation in Afghanistan. So, those are the reasons why we’d like to share our knowledge with you. We actually think that you’re misinformed and that you should read our blog to learn more.

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